My Customer Testimonial

"Working with Nathalie on this project has been a wonderful experience. She is very easy to work with, knowledgeable, courteous, and friendly. The quality of her product is second to none. I would highly recommend her. I look forward to working with Nathalie on future projects."

Jason Bright

Program Manager Montana Division of Criminal Investigation

5.0 rating based on 1,234 ratings

"Nathalie hatte bei Dicebridge die Aufgabe, Schulungen mit Assima und Articulate Storyline zu erstellen. Als Expertin in ihren Gebiet hat sie alle Anforderungen schnell und in hoher Qualität umgesetzt. Ich habe Nathalie als sehr gute Teamplayerin erlebt. Durch ihr analytisches Verständnis und ihre autodidaktischen  Fähigkeiten ist sie in der Lage, anderen Systeme verständlich zu erklären. Ich bedanke mich für die angenehme und gewinnbringende Zusammenarbeit auf allen Ebenen und bin sicher, dass Nathalies Wirken auch zukünftig von Erfolg begleitet sein wird."

Sabine Reuling

Inhaberin Sabine Reuling Consulting

5.0 rating based on 1,234 ratings

"Nathalie took basic training information (text with screenshot images) that was originally provided to her in a rough PowerPoint format and transformed it into an eLearning style course. The product she has produced not only incorporates the necessary content but includes a “player skin” (uniform layout), clickable buttons, interactive features, menu/help/glossary buttons, an easy to follow structure, knowledge check questions and final exams. Nathalie has also been involved in the continual improvement of the material and course structure as well as the addition of images to improve the overall look and feel of the course. The project is extremely agile and the request for changes, both large scale and minor are frequent."

Allison Hardwick

CON-IT Training SME for the U.S. Air Force

5.0 rating based on 1,234 ratings

"I would highly recommend Nathalie Alexander, module, LLC for any e-learning course development. Nathalie is very professional and is responsive in her communication regarding course development and project status. Nathalie is a joy to work with and her knowledge and expertise creates a final product that your agency can feel confident providing to others."

Suzanne Anders

Montana Sexual and Violent Offender Registry Analyst

5.0 rating based on 1,234 ratings